Fosters celebrates 50 years

In April 2023, Fosters celebrated 50 years; Foster Construction Limited having been incorporated in April 1973.

440 people turned out to celebrate with us at Claudelands Event Centre in early March 2024. And this special group of people was the best reflection of what Foster stands for - great community.

An evening of reunions, networking, reflection, the objective of this celebration was to acknowledge those who have built Fosters into the company it is today: former shareholders, directors, staff, clients we've worked with for decades, subcontractors we partner with and our current team.

Here are some of the highlights of the evening.

Fosters 50th photo album

The History of Foster Construction

To mark our 50 year celebration, we have published 'The History of Foster Construction'.

This is a collection of stories about our people, as well as historical milestones - for Fosters and our local communities. Please take a look...

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